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AIBD National

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join AIBD

Thinking about becoming a member? Join us at our next meeting (lunch is on us). Contact Matt Barrick for the meeting location: [email protected].

Become a member and connect with thousands of people who share your dedication to building vibrant communities.



Since 1950, AIBD has provided building designers with educational resources, and has developed nationwide design standards and a code of ethics for the building design profession. Today, AIBD is a nationally recognized association with professional and associate members in 48 states, throughout Canada and in Europe, Asia, Australia and the Bahamas. Its chartered state societies are active in their respective legislative arenas and work to promote public awareness of the building design profession.

The AIBD is also meeting the challenge of the future by educating members about new and improved building materials and technology that will impact how we live in the future. In response to the ever changing needs of the design profession, the AIBD board of directors has established the National Council of Building Designer Certification (NCBDC), and has charged its leadership with overseeing the Designer Certification Program. For those who have chosen the profession of building design, there is no greater evidence of competency than achieving the status of Certified Professional Building Designer (CPBD). Application for this credential is available to building designers - both professional members of the AIBD and non-AIBD members - who qualify.

Our Mission

Dedicated to the enhancement, development and recognition of the residential and building design professions.

Our Purpose

The American Institute of Building Design (AIBD), a nonprofit professional organization established in 1950, strives to protect and enhance our member’s ability to practice their profession. AIBD is committed to providing quality continuing education to ensure that our members remain current with technology, materials and building codes. AIBD is also committed to establishing and maintaining professional relationships with other trade, business, and professional organizations within the design and construction industry.

At all times AIBD will hold itself to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism as specified by our institute’s by laws and code of ethics and will uphold the protection of the health, welfare, and safety of the general public. This commitment is to the public and industry we serve and the profession we represent.